The Wynn Color System title banner with main reference poster.

#03 Introducing The WynnColor System

The WynnColor System (WCS) is a FREE Tattoo Art Theory and Digital Design Education Platform.
The WynnColor System Title Banner

The learning courses at are and always will be free.

You do not need to buy anything to learn or use this system.  We simply hope you’ll find our products make it easier and more fun for you to learn and create.

We believe that if you truly want to help someone, simply provide great content and teach them something they do not know, whether they buy from you or not.  We simply want to help you succeed, by having fun doing the best job in the world.

The WynnColor System is a combination of:

  • WCS Visual Learning Textbook
  • The WynnColor Ink Set
  • The Wynn Wheel
  • WCS 5 Procreate Palettes & Brushes
  • Free 6-Module Video Course

WCS is a complete system that all just simply works seamlessly together.

Video Overview:

Unlocking the Freedom of Color - Value and Color Theory for Tattoo Art” is the WynnColor Textbook

We teach from a specialized visual learning textbook: 

“Unlocking The Freedom Of Color - Value and Color Theory for Tattoo Art” (UTFOC).

UtFOC, featuring Raw Premium Pigments, is focused on giving a practical, streamlined, simple, but never basic, version of art theory specifically created for body artists.

Having Raw Premium Pigments (Raw) Acrylic-Free ink featured in the textbook makes it hard to misinterpret and much easier to follow and directly apply.  We feel that Raw hit it out of the park with their acrylic-free formula.  We find it’s much easier to saturate the skin, making it the best choice for teaching and applying new concepts.  It mixes a bit more slowly, which feels more like paint than acrylic ink, taking a little of the pressure off while mixing. 

Raw’s pigments are premium quality, carried only from suppliers that make sure the ink is shipped source to skin guaranteed to professional artists only.  

This gives us piece of mind on what’s going into our clients skin.  Raw Pigments look rich and vivid compared to acrylic inks and we find them much easier to work with, feeling a bit thicker and stickier, yet still fluid.  

Being acrylic-free, they are not watered down, and do not evaporate.  They effortlessly saturate the skin when compared to the acrylic inks we used for almost a decade.  Their proven color fastness is nothing short of remarkable and they even smell good.

Organic. Powder Based. Acrylic-Free. Cruelty-Free & Vegan.  There is no reason not to try and love this ink.

As to why UTFOC was written to begin with:

This is the book I needed ten years ago that would have allowed me to understand what other artists were doing, and how to directly learn to apply the same concepts to my tattoo work.  It builds upon itself to create a structured understanding of value and color, that will be most useful to a tattoo artist.” says Wynn.

UTFOC is the visual learning textbook for the FREE WCS 6-Module tattoo education courses found on YouTube and

The entire book was written and hand illustrated by Faith Wynn over the course of 2021. It was written always to be the most accessible and all inclusive form of art theory for tattoo art available.

This book was truly written to reach everyone.  The heart of WynnColor system has always been set on making color easier and more fun for all body artists.

The book is available on this site nationally, or worldwide Print-On-Demand from

Purchase Book Now in the USA from WynnColor

Purchase Book Worldwide Now:

Purchase Book as Digital E-Book PDF

The WynnColor Tattoo Ink Set by Raw Premium Pigments

The Wynn Color Set by Raw Premium Pigments is the first ink set to come with a full education platform. 

To make the WynnColor System truly accessible to all, we needed an ink set to make it easier to teach, and as a result, easier for artists to learn. 

When you purchase a WynnColor Set you get a free digital package which includes some very powerful resources.  This includes a digital copy of the WCS textbook UTFOF, which teaches tattoo art theory using the exact colors in the set.  

These colors are easy to restock by Raw Premium Pigments, whose batch consistency and color matching are beyond exceptional.

The colors used throughout the system are the exact colors you get when you order from Raw.  This makes learning seamless and consistent.  We sell the WynnColor Set as one big set, as four smaller sets, and even sell single colors.  So all levels of artists can afford to use and stock these colors.   The same color accuracy and reliability is maintained by all WynnColor products and educational tools.  

It’s the kind of reliability, consistency and premium quality that artists can base a professional career in tattoo art on.

This is the best ink we know of and also find it’s the easiest for artists to learn to use.

This premium (30) bottle WynnColor Education Set features (23) full intensity colors, (1) Light Brown, (1) Dark Brown, (2) Whites, and (3) Blacks.

You’re not just getting an ink set, you’re getting the an entire system of light and color built around these 30 bottles of ink.  In fact, we build it together as we go through the program.

These 23 colors turn into the 23 mixing groups in the Raw Color Code, giving you 88 colors to add and remove from your personal palette as you see fit.

This makes the WynnColor Set full customizable using all 88 colors, once you get a base knowledge of mixing and how light and the color spectrum work.  It’s all done in small bits that are easy to understand and can be applied right away in your next tattoo.

The thing that sets it apart is that the WynnColor Set is setup to teach you as you are using it.

A new type of tattoo color wheel: The Wynn Wheel

We quickly learn to understand how to easily mix and use the 23 pigments on a simplified color wheel: The Wynn Wheel. 

We use the Wynn Wheel to apply just 3 ink mixing secrets, mixing 5 levels of depth in all 23 colors found in the WynnColor Set.

It’s a simplified and unique color wheel.  It was created for a mixing strategy based on how light and color interact in the medium of body art.   Once you understand how the Wynn Wheel is setup (and how the 5-Value light system works), you also understand how actual light and color work.  And after that it’s really easy and fun to use this way.  Each time you use it, you are learning about light and color.

The Wynn Wheel makes color accessible and easier for all levels of artists.  

It’s meant to be super reliable even if you are just starting out with color.  But it is not just for artists who are new, it’s for any artist looking for an easier and reliable way to create body art.

There are not a lot of tattoo color wheels to choose from.  The general flow of the industry is towards high complexity, long time commitments, and big price tags.  We only get so much time in one day to learn. We wanted something simple, but never basic, with lots of room for the individual artist to grow in and get creative.  The WynnColor and The Raw Color Code is our answer for anyone you wants to use it.

We are creating permanent artwork on human canvas, so there’s really no room for error and guessing games.  

I’ve worked with artists who will use the same red ink for like 20 years if it always works.  While brand loyalty is important to a lot of body artists, a lot can change in 20 years.  It’s that level of fear in leaving one’s comfort zone in this medium, that is one of the things this system is meant to directly address.  We aim to help artist create more freely when tattooing in color. 

Ultimately, the WynnColor system is meant to take the fear out of working with color, by making it easy to understand and to achieve good consistent results.

 It’s more or less foolproof as long as you keep to the 3 basic mixing strategies.  The real reason it works every time is that the system is really just a copy of how light and the color spectrum work in its simplest form.  It is meant to be taken to more advanced levels, but until then we embellish and simplify light and color in such a way, that the artist using this system, can’t fail, only grow.  

I’m a computer programmer… the way to avoid bugs and glitches in programs is to simplify the base logic code.  I created the WynnColor System this way to be “un-fuck-up-able” right at the start.  I dont like to admit it, because I love my job, but I get tired and I have bad days. But no one can tell by my artwork since creating this system.  I was plateaued for a number of years, and now I just keep growing and getting better.  And using Raw Pigments, is a pleasure,  its my ace in the hole.” says Wynn.


Raw Premium Pigments tattoo ink as three thirty swatch procreate palettes

We use a unique 5-Pack of Procreate Palettes to make it easier to learn how light and color interact with the 3 ink mixing strategies.

These 5 procreate palettes contain all 25 Wynn Wheel colors, at the 5 different value levels we are teaching artists to mix.

These 5 levels are split into shadows and forms: 5 Mixed-Black, 4 Dark, 3 Middle, 2 Light, 1 White.

The entire WynnColor System is focused on quickly getting up to these 5 Value in all types of tattoo work. This is something I struggled to achieve in my own work for years and years. Once we get three, we quickly get 5.  And then getting the 11 values in The Raw Color Code really just comes naturally as we are working.

We use these 5 levels to mimic light and create the illusion of depth and value on a two dimensional plane: the clients skin.  Designing digitally in the same manner wTitle banner for the 6 module WCS learning courseill allow a better overall experience for the artist in going from one medium to the other.

This creates a seamless transition from digital design to tattoo work.  These inks and artists tools, the book, even the painters section, all work the exact same way.  

Whether you are tattooing, digital designing, or even painting: It all just works. 

The WCS Full Course was designed from the ground up to be learned under the hustle of working as a tattoo artist.  

Our mission is to be a free, equal-opportunity, tattoo art education resource.

The WCS Full Course is a free, one-of-a-kind, 6-module art and digital design education program. Everything you need to learn is free in the video courses. 

We teach about Light, Color, Digital Design, Color Choosing, Ink Mixing, and Tattoo Composition.

We believe creating body art can be easier, faster, and more fun to learn. To prove it, we have created a comprehensive education and color system.

We strive to be:

- easier and faster to use and learn
- simple, never basic
- 100% reliable
- affordable
- practical and applied
- far and away the most fun way to design and execute tattoo art

As artists ourselves, we felt there was a need for a more accessible color theory solution.  

The Wynn Color System is a solution that promises a unique, one-of-a-kind end goal:

We set artists up to immediately understand how to mix the entire Raw Pigments ink line, by maximizing the use of the new Raw Color Code.